Marzipan Media Creations For December
This month we teamed up with Photo Workshops Australia to help improve SEO and clean up so out of date Adword campaigns in time for Christmas. We delivered our specialist, long lasting back links service and cleaned up meta descriptions, alt tags and more to elevate the local business within Google.
Scott was kind enough to invite us along to a photography workshop here in Bondi. Check out their range of courses and workshops here.
Elsewhere this month has see us continue to improve and enhance existing websites such as Wealth Management Services, Imperial Chartered and Cornerstone Finance. Focusing on AMP pages for key landing pages together with continued SEO to ensure they rank in the UK for chosen search terms and phrases.
In the pipeline this month we also welcomed the Women’s Legal Services of NSW to our roster and look set to complete and brand new website for CF Asia Pacific. Our first website designed for a major transport logistical company. Stay tuned to hear more.
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The Future of SEO in a ChatGPT-dominated world
The Future of SEO in a ChatGPT-dominated world
Is WordPress Still a Relevant CMS for Your Website?
This blog post explores the enduring relevance of WordPress and highlights the advantages of using