How to Write Online Content that Google likes and people love!

When it comes to writing online content for your website, you aren’t just writing for yourself. Before you put the words on the page, you need to consider things that will ensure Google likes your content, and your audience absolutely loves it!

These 9 steps to creating search friendly, online content will help:

  1. Write Clickable, Engaging Headlines
  2. Format Your Content Properly
  3. Share Your Expertise
  4. Cut Out The Fluff
  5. Write Longer Form Content
  6. Try Not To Get Too Technical
  7. Use Keywords Naturally Within Your Content
  8. Match Copy To The Buying Cycle
  9. Focus On Value Over Selling

Remember you’re creating written content for both your audience and the search engines, so keeping this in mind as you write is imperative. Striking the perfect balance is tricky when creating online content, but with this guide you should find it easier – even enjoyable! Let’s get into it…

1 – Write Clickable, Engaging Headlines
Your aim should be to grab the attention of your reader and make it difficult for them not to click on the headline. You don’t want to create clickbait headlines that have nothing to do with the actual content, but you should be smart, using powerful, positive words to get the reaction that you want.

2 – Format Your Written Content Properly
Formatting your online content properly will break things up and ensure that it’s easily read by your audience. You should format with headings and subheadings, incorporate attractive, original images, use bullet point lists, and so on. Formatting it in small digestible chunks is the game – it should be scannable. It’s rare that a person will read everything you’ve written, word for word without doing at least a little scanning.

3 – Share Your Expertise
Aim to share your expertise with your audience when you write. Create online content that is both useful and interesting. What questions do they have? What do they want to learn more about? By sharing your expertise, rather than being precious about it, people will begin to see you as an expert in your industry.

4 – Cut Out The Fluff
Content should be concise in order to keep the reader’s attention and make them want to keep on reading. Build value and keep them coming back for more. Don’t flesh out your content with rubbish that nobody really cares about reading. Although longer form content is thought to perform better on the search engines these days, every word should be carefully placed to ensure maximum value.

5 – Write Longer Form Content
Compare the results from 2000 word length copy to 500 word length copy, and you should notice a difference in terms of success. Longer form content tends to be more helpful and perform better in the search engines – but it becomes even more imperative to stick to the rest of the advice here. Cut out the fluff, format it properly, and ensure you’re adding value.

6 – Try Not To Get Too Technical
Avoid using jargon in your text. If you get too technical, you will be limiting the readers of your content to people who understand this kind of language. Jargon can also bog down your writing. Try to keep things simple, even when it comes to word choice. For example, instead of the term ‘eliminate’ you can just say ‘get rid’. It should improve your writing.

7 – Use Keywords Naturally Within Your Content
Search engines are getting smarter all the time, and Google will de-rank content that relies on keywords too much or even stuffs them into content. Your keywords should always be incorporated in the most natural, organic way possible.
With too many keywords, your text will be clunky to read and not helpful at all to your audience. Aiming to provide value to your reader should be your first concern.

8 – Match Copy To The Buying Cycle
Understanding the buying cycle of your customer is essential if you want the best results. If you understand this and you can match your copy to the buying cycle, it will apply directly to whoever is reading it. For instance, consumers who may be in the early stages of the buying cycle will appreciate broad, informative content so that they can learn more and continue making their way through the cycle. Those further down the buying cycle will want more specific content that can help them to make the right purchasing decision, as they are nearly there.

9 – Focus On Value Over Selling
Avoid using pushy language and tactics to sell your products and services. Make it your goal to build a relationship with your audience first and focus on the sale second. Although you do want to get sales with your content, the value will always be what helps you to get it – not the hard sell. People don’t like getting an air of desperation, or that pushy salesperson vibe from your content. You can definitely talk about the benefits of your products/services, but again, value should be your top priority.

If you find that your content generates a lot of traffic but never seems to convert, you’re probably thinking about SEO before your audience. Change this now, use the advice here, and you should notice great results!

Need a little help? Check out our SEO boosting copywriting Services here.


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