Three tips to getting the most from your Influencer marketing campaign
We love working with influencers on campaigns. When used correctly they can quickly help build your brand, grow your social media communities and create trust for your brand not to mentioned help you reach valuable new audiences. But how do you know who to partner with? Always check the three R’s: Resonance, Reach and Relevance. Like social media guru Jay Baer once said: “True influence drives action, not just awareness.”
How to determine and influencers Resonance?
Resonance tracks the ripples of that content through the influencers network. Does it get shared outward to other networks, will it be reposted and is it trusted. Some of the influencers we’ve worked with & admire such as We Are Explorers, Little Lobby and Carly Brown absolutely nail it. Seamlessly working branded content into their feed without it seeming phoney or overly pushy.
This is the type of content that will get shared and resonates with new audiences. It’s a skill, good content creators will own it but not everybody can.
Be sure to check your influencer’s reach
Just having the requisite number of followers doesn’t cut it these days. Any days really, it’s always been a poor measure of success but it’s sometimes a good place to start. Many brands have set budgets will help you aim for the right influencers. Knowing your options is always handy. Make sure though that posts are getting good volumes of likes.
There’s no point paying for an influencer just for their 10,000 likes if only 34 people will engage with a post. Follower counts are easily inflated, it takes a lot to grow and maintain a healthy social media community and people often look for shortcuts. Look for strong engagement rates to support the reach on each and every piece of digital content that’s posted.
The final check is the most important – Relevance
There’s no point having a superstar influencer shoutout your brand on Instagram if they’re from a completely different warp of life. This can be the hardest part and as a social media agency we see many good opportunities missed or misplaced because a client is super keen to pair up with an influencer that they love personally… but that who doesn’t work with the brand.
There are plenty of influencer fish in that see, it’s better to wait than to rush and get it wrong.
While someone with hundreds of thousands of social media followers certainly could expose your brand to their followers, if they are not a snug contextual fit, their post or tweet would be moot as far as driving leads and customers.
As the lines between PR and social continue to blur and brands continue to find fresh ways to make their content work for them consider an influencer campaign for your brand in 2018. With a little time and research you could find the perfect pairing to extend your sphere of influence, grow your community and build valuable trust in the market place.
Let us know how you go in the comments below!
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